I ordered a Warriors jersey today after their
big win last night making NBA history being the No. 8 seed and beating the No. 1 seed. I still want a
Sharks jersey after going to a couple of their games and even more now that they are in the playoffs.
Apparently I am not a very loyal fan since it seems that I really only get into my teams based on their winning status and the cuteness of their clothes.
Regardless...Go Warriors! Go Sharks!
That's alright Kimmy, never too late to be a fan. I take it you must not be a Niner's fan either :)
Careful Kimmy... don't hurt yourself as you jump on the Warrior's band wagon!! *j/k* As for me... well, if you must know, I have been and always will be (to HieRan's dismay) a Detroit Pistons fan!! Wait until you see Jacob's room at the new house!! *hint hint*
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