Friday, October 15, 2004

Home Safely

My ball
Originally uploaded by kimbalina.
I almost had a heart attack this morning. While working from home this morning, I heard the familiar jingle of my baby, Toby's, collar outside. I looked out the upstairs window into the street and saw him running around my neighbor's front yard. My heart started racing and I ran outside to see that the gate was wide open. When I got outside, I couldn't find him anymore and started panicking. Luckily, on my way down the street, I saw my neighbor come out of her house holding him by the collar to bring him home. We let Toby out early this morning so who knows how long he was out and about. At least he knew his way home and didn't get lost or hurt. I'm so happy that he is home safely now. I squeezed him and squeezed him as soon as we were home again and he rested his head on my lap.

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