My friends had their traditional Vietnamese engagement ceremony this past Saturday. It was a big ordeal with plenty of people, food, and music. It was sweet seeing a couple, especially two friends, so in love. After the ceremony and during the reception, the groom-to-be got up on stage to sing a song to his new fiance. In the middle of singing his song, amongst the cheers of the rest of us, he decided to show off and started spinning his microphone. The end of the microphone went flying across the room while he stood there embarrassed and holding the cord. He climbed down, picked up the microphone, plugged it back in and continued singing to her as if nothing had happened only hoping to please her. Although it took awhile for the crowd to stop laughing, it was still very sweet that he was willing to put himself out there and even embarrass himself for her.
At church yesterday, one of the pastors told a story about how before getting married to his wife, he had some concerns about how he felt that he might be losing some of the love that he shared with his parents in speaking Chinese with them after he married his girlfriend. Since his girlfriend was Caucasion and he was Chinese, he figured that would be the thing that would make or break their relationship. When he told her this, he said that her face lit up and she said, 'Oh, that's not a problem, I'll just learn Chinese!' Learn Chinese? He said for the next couple of years she took classes and practiced hard so that now, when they are with his family, they can still speak primarily Chinese, which to that family is their 'love language'.
Love is pretty cool.
I love the story your pastor shared. That's true love. With strong love and motivation, people can overcome many obstacles. Learning a new language or skills take time... but with time and practice... everything will get better. What a beautiful gesture of love. Thanks for sharing...
Hey Kimmy...Thanks for sharing your story...Absolutely "love" reading your blogs (no pun intended :) hehehe). Love supercedes all...With love everything is possible...
"..if I know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing." -- I Corinthians 13:2
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