After having lunch yesterday, Bertrand and I hopped in the car to head home. A few minutes later, I panicked..."Where are my sunglasses???" I looked all over the car. Did I drop them? Are they under the seat? Did I leave them at the restaurant? Bertrand also looked up and down to see if he could spot them and asked me, "Did you wear them into the restaurant?" I couldn't remember if I'd worn them, if they were snapped on my shirt, or if I had put them on top of my head. I thought through the past couple of hours and what I could have done with my sunglasses. I could have sworn that I'd left them in the car. How could I lose my designer glasses? "Do you want to turn back?" he asked.
At this point, "Yes! Yes! Please turn around" I exclaimed as I turned pleadingly to look at him and beg him to turn back. And then...I paused, "Are you KIDDING me?"
Then he turned and stared at me and said, "What?"...while wearing MY gigantic sunglasses...instead of his own little tiny Oakleys.
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