Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Home grown lyrics

Do you ever listen to songs and when you don't know what the words are, make them up? My brother and I have always done this for as long as I can remember. There was a song that was always playing on the radio when we were little kids and I used to sing along, "She seems to have a busy boy top shift, she reaches in and grabs right hold of your heart" I was going through some of the music on iTunes today at work and browsed through someone's playlist and saw some Genesis. I thought "ohh eighties!" and clicked on a random song to listen to. The familiar tune started playing and then I realized the title of the song was "Invisible Touch". Hmm...

I guess "invisible touch yeah" could sound like "busy boy top shift"...at least it makes more sense!


AdamTest said...

Do a Google search for "misheard lyrics" and you'll find some additional amusing stuff!

lahosken said...

Another useful Google query: [define:mondegreen]