Thursday, April 14, 2005

I just want to sleep

So it's been a busy week. How is it already (almost) Friday? Where did my week go? For the past seven days I have been on 'go-go-go' mode. Last weekend, my cousin (maid-of-honor) called me up and told me that she had spontaneously rented a car and driven up to the bay area from SoCal to visit. After a little bit of plan shifting and bailing a party early, Bertrand and I headed back home to pick her up from the local Barnes & Nobles. We went out, caught up on things, teased each other, and had a good time. The rest of the weekend was packed and somewhat of a blur as was my week. I realized last night that I had not yet done my taxes...thank goodness for Daddy and TurboTax. This week I have finally gotten back into 'planning mode' for the upcoming wedding...only 5 months away! Within the first month of getting engaged, I was super planner and booked/planned most of the big things that I pretty much just stopped and took a break from planning these past couple of months. I am realizing now that since most of my weekends are booked from now until September, that I will need to delegate more and get more items checked off my to-do least the honeymoon is all planned! With all these things to think about, people to see, and places to go I just want to sleep, relax with friends, or read a book...maybe even get hooked on my new toy.


Anonymous said...

Christina is your cousin?! Maybe I already knew that...anyway, hi Kimmy! It's Amy from your old church way back in the days. And I do mean way back. I somehow stumbled onto your page. When did we last see each other? Oh yeah - at Chi Ai's wedding. Yours is coming up soon! Say hi to Bertrand for me! Hope you're doing well!

Kimmy said...

Amy! Thanks for leaving a comment. It was great running into you at Chi Ai's wedding. Are you going to be at Hoi Dong? I think we are planning on going down just for that weekend...hopefully I'll see you there. =)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I should be there. It will be great to see you again ; ) I'm so glad I can leave comments here as opposed to Xanga where you have to sign up for one yourself. By the way, I have a lot of respect for you because anyone who can get a degree in computer engineering and continue in it as a career is very impressive. Hey Kimmy, you know what? I think I'll try to keep in touch with you this way if you don't mind.