Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Organization only helps sometimes

But organization can only help when you actually realize that you are organized.

After the winter season last year, I put away all my winter clothes and snow gear. Once we were ready to hit the slopes again this year, it was time to pull out all the necessary gear. There in my special "snow box" I had all my ski pants, snow gloves, wool socks etc. It worked out great! Except...I couldn't find my favorite fleece sweatshirt I usually wear underneath my jacket. I searched high and low. I tore up my closet looking for it, went through all my drawers, and even a random bag of clothing we found in the garage from my college days, but nothing. When I needed to find my extra pair of ski goggles, I also couldn't find them in the usual spots and tore up the garage, shed, closets, looking for them. It's also been a bit chilly so I've been looking for the extra scarves and mittens my Mom so lovingly made me a couple of years ago. Yep, you guessed it. Couldn't find those anywhere either.

Where in the world could all this stuff be? Hidden behind some bureau? Stuck in some dark corner?

Tonight as I was pulling some clothes out to give to Goodwill, I stood in my closet and looked around to admire what extra room I had made. Then I looked at how organized it was looking with things nicely folded, sweaters color coordinated, boxes neatly stacked and labeled.

Wait. Boxes that were labeled. So I read the labels on my fantastic boxes.

"Fleece/Snow Gear/Mittens & Scarves"

There in plain sight, nicely labeled, all along...was EVERYTHING I'd been looking for so hard in the most obscure places.


melissagodfrey said...

I love how organized you are Kimmy!!!! I do have to say though, that when I first started reading this blog and you said you couldnt find anything, I thought to myself that it was probably right in front of your face :)

Debbie said...

I always forget where things are, even when I label the boxes too! Someone should invent some color coding chart organizational system or something!