We are going to be traveling internationally over the holidays and will be missing Christmas and New Year's home with our friends and family this year. I'll be celebrating Christmas in Hong Kong and New Year's in Vietnam. That's right...Bertrand and I are going to be doing a mini tour of Asia. I'm super excited for my first trip to Asia but a part of me is also sad that I'll be missing my favorite time of year here back home.
So...since I won't be here to celebrate
on Christmas....I am determined to celebrate early!
Earlier this week, we put up our tree and decorated it. I put the garland on the stairs and have all the lights and candles lit. And the Christmas music is playing loudly.
Happy (early) Holidays to me!
I'm off to HK this week for some fun shopping!! If you make it up to Hanoi, make sure you visit Hao Long Bay. You won't be disappointed.....
You might be surprised that Christmas in Asia is as lovely as the Christmas you'll miss there in the U.S.
You can drop by here in the Philippines too. We celebrate the Holidays until January. Particularly in my city, Cebu, which is the best place for you to go here in my country, we extend our revelry until around middle of January. That's the time we have Sinulog---a local festivity with historical significance...like a Mardi Gras.
Be sure to bring a handy camera!
Have a nice trip!
*Thanks to blogger, I'm online too.=)
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