As of lately...my shoes no longer fit comfortably, or at all for that matter. Given the fact that I am carrying and growing two little people in my belly, my feet have retained some water and grown a tad swollen. Okay, a lot swollen. It has started to make me really sad thinking that my cute shoes no longer fit me and will not be an option for the next couple of months (hopefully they go back to normal after). So sad, that I decided that I no longer cared WHAT I was wearing, as long as they are comfortable and fit.
So this led to me and my husband going to the store and buying some fur lined Crocs that I can wear for the remainder of the pregnancy. I was actually looking for the ones that had the fur inside the shoe instead of showing on the outside, but they didn't have anymore in my size. So out of desperation for comfortable shoes, I bought the fur lined Crocs with fur peeking out on the outside.
This morning before leaving for our many doctor's appointments, I pulled off the tags to my new shoes and popped them on. And then I paused and commented to Bertrand, "Wait...these look just like the inside house slippers I just took off. Am I going to be the pregnant lady who wears slippers out in public??" He then tells me that I am overreacting and that my shoes were clearly Crocs and clearly outside shoes. I asked him again, "...but I really think these might look like my slippers I wear in the house. Oh no!" He reassured me that I looked fine and that they did not look like slippers.
At the end of my first doctor's appointment, the doctor stood up and shook my hand and then leaned over towards Bertrand to shake his hand. Bertrand was too preoccupied trying to get my shoes in place for me to wear once I got off the table that he didn't realize the doctor was waiting for him. Then the doctor chuckled and said, "Oh it's okay, I see you are on purse and slipper duty", said goodbye and left the room. Once we were alone in the room, I turned to Bertrand and said, "Did you HEAR what he just said? He said SLIPPERS!" Bertrand looked up at me and then started to bust out laughing while I gathered my things and whimpered out the door.
I whined and whimpered about my new shoes that look like slippers and that I am now "that lady" on the way to our next appointment. As the nurse greeted me and took me to my room, she looked down and said, "Ooh! You're wearing your comfy shoes" I just glared at Bertrand with my "really?" face who returned my glare with a laugh. Embarrassed, I hid my shoes in the corner of the room so the doctor wouldn't see them. At the end of our appointment with her, she said goodbye and as she left the room, turned and gave a nice long pause as she looked at my lowly shoes in the corner.
We only talked with a few people this morning after slipping on these shoes and almost all had something to say about my "slippers". Bertrand, how could you let me buy these shoes and then let me wear them in public?
I am the slipper lady.