gotten married
landed in London
browsed the markets of Barcelona
taken a cruise around the Mediterranean
explored the streets of Villefranche
seen how nice Nice is
seen Monaco
held up the Leaning Tower of Pisa
roamed Rome
visited the Vatican
hiked to the top of Mount Vesuvius
perused the ruins of Pompei
ate Pizza where it originated in Naples
overindulged ourselves with food
drank A LOT of Orangina
re-visited where Bertrand grew up in Avignon
were awestruck by the beauty of Cinque Terre
shopped to my heart's content in Milan
had a romantic gondola ride down the canals of Venice
got attacked by birds at San Marcos Square
Lived it up in Luzerne
ate some croissants
tromped around Paris
went to the top of the Eiffel Tower
lugged our luggage around the world
walked, flew, and took the train many many miles, and enjoyed every minute of it!
Whoo-hoo!! Hey you two! Glad to see you're enjoying all the sights, sounds, and the smells of Europe (Bertrand DID shower on this trip, yes?). *j/k* It's so good to see the two of you happy, safe, and having your fill of Orangina (bring some back!!). ;)
Can't wait for your safe return. See you soon!
-Arnold, HieRan, Mia, and the "bun" in the oven.
That may be the best blog post I've seen in a long long time.
Brilliant. Sounds like a great trip!
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