Friday, June 24, 2005

Hard to stomach

Apparently, I am not as young or strong as I thought I was. I went to Santa Cruz yesterday to relax, spend some time with fun people, to soak up the sun, and of course, ride some rollercoasters. The last time I went on a rollercoaster, I was so dizzy I ran into someone getting off the ride. I obviously haven't learned my lesson and went again yesterday. For the majority of the day I was doing awesome and was having a blast, but then I caved to peer pressure and rode the Centrifuge...the ride of death. The Centrifuge is the ride where you stand against a wall in a big circle and get the life spun out of you. Bad idea. That ride pretty much did me over and I spent the rest of the afternoon on the beach trying to regain my composure.

Have I learned my lesson? No. I plan on going to two more theme parks in the next few weeks. I can't get enough.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

I heart B-mobile

Ever since Blogger Mobile was released, it was love at first sight for me and I have been snapping pictures left and right with my camera phone. Sometimes a picture says a lot more than I could ever say. My favorite part? Aside from how incredibly easy it is to use...the confirmation message I get to know that my picture was posted successfully. Every time I get the message, I can't help but smile and shout, "Success!" I feel so accomplished.

Great America

Thanks to Nicole, I got to relive my middle school memories at Great America today. We laughed, we screamed, and we ate churros. It was awesome.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Good ole' Dad

Conversation with my dad about wedding plans

Me: We found the wedding bands we want. We're going to the mall tonight to look at them with Mom if you'd like to come.
Dad: Wedding bands? For who?
Me: Well, one for me and one for him
Dad: Oh, the thing you wear on your leg and he takes off?
Me: No Dad, the ones you wear on your finger, you know, once you get married.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

No more elevators

I've had the worst morning ever.

This morning I realized that I had left my iPod in the gym yesterday so I spent the morning running up and down the stairs going to the various receptionists to find it. After running up and down the stairs several times, I got tired and decided I would hop in the elevator. I rarely take the elevator anymore because it is better and more healthy to take the stairs.

As soon as I got in the elevator and pressed the button for my floor, the elevator started moving...and then it stopped. Not on my floor, but in between floors. I stood there for a second contemplating what just happened and then pushed all the buttons for different floors and to open/close the doors. Nothing happened. Since I was just running down quickly to the reception, I didn't grab my cell phone. I pushed the intercom button to call for help, but it didn't seem to be responding. I pushed and pushed my little heart out for about twenty minutes and finally resolved to sit down. Elevators are small...and confined. I started to freak out thinking about how I was trapped in this itty-bitty enclosed space and nobody knew I was in there. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths and in the meantime, kept pushing the button for help. Finally, the button made a dialing noise and I was connected to help. Once I knew people were out there and knew I was inside, I was more calm. I am close friends with the people in charge of saving and as soon as I heard their voices through the elevator shaft, knew I would be okay. I have never felt as much relief as I did once the doors opened almost forty minutes later. Open space is a good thing.

Update: iPod is home safely now.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Beautiful British Columbia

Prospect BayCitySalvage BeachProspect Bay
And beautiful it is! Vancouver is absolutely gorgeous. The weather was beautiful, the people were friendly, and the scenery was amazing. I only wish we could have stayed longer to take everything in.

I heart Vancouver.

Friday, June 03, 2005


Less is more. I'm taking a little trip to Vancouver this weekend and am determined to go with only my backpack. This from the girl who always know...just in case. After several attempts at packing and repacking, I have managed to fit everything I will need into my backpack.

Simple is hard.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


So I have developed an allergy to one of the following things...strawberries, shellfish, or Asian food. I absolutely love strawberries, some of my favorite foods are shrimp and crab, and the biggest one of all...I'M ASIAN.

Uhm. What am I going to eat now?

Once I'm feeling normal again, I will have to do some experimenting to figure out which one it is I'm allergic to.